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Kids with Bees Beekeeper Day

Kids ages 4-13 years old with an accompanying parent, can experience the Buzzing excitement of a Honeybee Hive and taste ...

Peaceful Paths Teens and Tweens Program

Our Community Resource Navigation program is hosting Peaceful Paths to offer a range of engaging and interactive events during March! ...

Play Tennis Gainesville Red Ball Clinic

The first stage of our youth tennis program is Red Ball. Ages include 8 and under. In this stage, participants ...

Play Tennis Gainesville Green Ball Clinic

This is the third stage of our youth tennis program. Ages include 12 and under. This stage is played on ...

Gatorball Academy Monday Night Hitting Clinics

Age(s) 9-14 (open to any and all participants that meet age requirement) Coaches Stephen Barton and Austin Langworthy