Celebrate the 2024 Summer Olympics by competing in our library version of some of the events. Every other days of the ...
Read, laugh, and sing with us on the red carpet. Librarians and library staff will read tales and lead activities perfect ...
Children and caregivers can read, laugh, and sing with us at our weekly story times: Wednesdays at 10:30 am. Join us ...
Read, laugh, and sing with us! Stories and music for children and their caregivers, plus you'll learn a sign or ...
Dress up as an old version of yourself or wear your favorite costume to play Bingo! Make learning fun, play bingo ...
Come join us as we learn the basics of camping through fun crafts and activities! Every other Wednesday we'll learn ...
We'll play games and create crafts based on the "Voices and Votes" exhibition. Let's explore democracy together!
Come hang out and draw with new friends. Get sketchy and practice your drawing skills at the Newberry Branch Library.