You'll be joining us at Rooterville Animal Sanctuary for a fun-filled 2 hrs getting to know our adorable farm animals! From playful pigs to gobbling turkeys, (there's even one who likes being held!) there's something for everyone to enjoy. Bring your family and friends along for a memorable experience surrounded by nature and cute critters. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with our rescued animals and learn more about the importance of animal welfare.
Don't forget to visit our butterfly garden too and stop in our gift shop for a Roo-venir! ALL proceeds help us care for the animals. You are welcome to bring snacks to feed the critters or buy them here or with your order. They love baby carrots, strawberries, grapes, sliced apples and any type of fruit. The cows LOVE bananas! Tinsel our ginormous steer inhales them peel and all and Jett, the fluffy cow, enjoys them peeled and in small bites. He's super gentle so kids can feed him with no worries. Aurora our min horse is also a sweet, dainty and gentle snacker for the kids to enjoy interacting with. We'll have her brushes if they would like to help her look beautiful too, just ask.
The play area and sand pile are always a hit with the kids. We have bounce houses and bouncy horses for the little kids too. It's fun to feed the fish and turtles at the pond by the wagons! Bring quarters to buy their food. Please don't go in the wagons though, we might have guests staying in them.
Please allow up to 2 hours for your fun-filled visit. There is a play area for the kids to enjoy as well. Tickets are limited to 10 guests per 2hr time slot. Once a slot is full, you'll need to check another time slot or a different day. Need to stay longer? Just book another slot. Two hours is plenty of time unless you really enjoy the animals.