Meet Andy Kratter at Boulware Springs Park at 3300 SE 15th St., Gainesville. There are two entrances to the park. We will enter at the northernmost entrance and meet in the parking lot. From there we will stroll westward into the restored wooded area where we will look and listen for Bachman's Sparrows, Northern Bobwhites, Red-headed Woodpeckers, various sparrows, and other avian targets. We will also watch for migrating loons and learn about this fascinating migration pattern from the loon migration expert, Andy Kratter.
Difficulty 2: greater than one mile
Here are some items to consider carrying on any field trip: binoculars (a must), water, bug spray, sunscreen, hat, sturdy shoes, rain gear for sudden downpours, notebook, camera, contact information.
Non-Members Are Always Welcome.