
Motherless Mother’s Day Brunch

  • When: Saturday, May 11, 2024, 11:00 am -  2:00 pm
  • Location: 4015 S.W. 43rd Street, Gainesville, Fl 32608
  • Cost: $30 - Cashapp $MeshMarvelous (A digital ticket will be texted or emailed to you)

Please join me on Saturday, May 11th for a Motherless Mother’s Day Brunch
Guest speaker Tonya T. Edwards, Grief Recovery and Emotional Wellness Specialist, will discuss grief, and its effects, and help us identify healthy ways to manage.

Brunch Buffet and Bottomless Mimosas Included

This is a SAFE SPACE filled with love! There will be NO judgement, only uplifting and encouraging.
