
MLK Celebration Stephan P. Mickle Jazz Concert

  • When: Friday, January 17, 2025,  7:00 pm
  • Location: Bo Diddley Plaza 111 E. University Ave Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Cost: free

The MLK Commission of Florida Presents, the 41st Anniversary King Celebration ’25. This year's theme is: “A Resilient People, We’re Not Going Back!” Please join us on Friday, January 17th, 7:00 p.m. for the Fourth Annual Stephan P. Mickle Jazz Concert featuring: The Where Gospel Meets Jazz Band at the Diddley Downtown Community Plaza. The event is free and open to the public. We would like to thank our co-sponsors Avera & Smith Attorneys at Law, the City of Gainesville and JAMZ 98.9 for their support.
