Private Swim Lessons & Learn to Swim. Why choose Swim Tech?
Our indoor pool is heated to 85-90° an ideal temperature for teaching. Our pool and facility is thoroughly cleaned daily to ensure it is an immaculate, healthy environment for your athlete’s success. At Swim Tech we teach in all kinds of weather; being indoors, so there are no cold / hot / inclement weather issues. Your athlete will be safe from the Florida sun with no need for sunscreen. Our facility is designed for very low distractions, ensuring you and your swimmer get the attention they both need and deserve.
All students learn to swim in a comfortable environment, but safety is our priority. We ensure safety during lessons while making sure our students learn how to be safer in water by providing them with all the basic skills they need. Swim Tech also has a video & audio feed to a monitor in our waiting area, letting parents clearly and discreetly observe their child’s lesson. Additionally, our instructors are CPR/First Aid/AED and Safe Sport certified.
Our coaches follow a progressive method that makes learning fun, reducing stress and fear. With private lessons our instructors go at your child’s pace, moving on to the next step or skill only when they are ready.
Parent’s (and children’s) schedules are busy, and it’s often a struggle to fit in swimming lessons. By design and necessity, traditional swim lesson programs follow a set, rigid schedule. At Swim Tech, our instructors are available at various times, weekdays and weekends, providing lessons at a time that’s convenient for you with no weather delays / cancellations.