YAS (Young Annasemble)
Youth ages 10-16 are being given the opportunity to become part of a string orchestra. If you play a stringed instrument and can read basic music, then YAS is for you! NO auditions - levels beginner through advanced welcome. The intent is to provide an opportunity for young students to play music together in an orchestra that is inclusive, non-competitive and yet challenging.
For ages 14 and older, this option is an intergenerational - mostly strings - community orchestra under the musical direction of Annemieke Pronker-Coron. The orchestra includes members of high school, college and adult age. Annasemble takes pride in embracing musicians, regardless of experience. Over the years, our string orchestra has expanded to include flute, clarinet, concertina, accordion, banjo, guitar, mandolin and drums. The orchestra has featured a variety of soloists, including vocalists, mandolin, and violinists. Our philosophy is to share the joy of music with everyone.