Our lab focuses on better understanding the multiple influences on dietary behavior and developing corresponding interventions to improve health especially in underserved populations. Currently, we have several projects focused on early childhood obesity prevention. Led by Dr. Amy Mobley in the Department of Health Education and Behavior in the College of Human Health and Performance at the University of Florida, we’ve conducted and strive to pursue research in the following areas:
Ecological and behavioral approaches to preventing and treating obesity throughout the lifespan
Parental influences on early childhood feeding and obesity risk
Nutrition education and behavior
mHealth and eHealth methods to improve dietary and physical activity behaviors
Food security
Underserved populations
Current Research Studies:
We are currently recruiting for the Father mHealth App! The Father mHealth App Study is exploring how limited resource fathers of preschool children (ages 3-5) would like to receive child feeding information on their cell phone. More specifically, this study aims to develop a mHealth app to support fathers as they seek nutrition and health information for their child.
This study is aimed to better understand the feeding guidance and nutrition needs of parents of children ages 0-2 years to develop an evidenced-based mHealth app.