The past is still alive and the Theatre of Memory finally has a place to tell the story. All of the documents, artifacts and geofacts presented in our Cabinet of Curiosities are components of shows presented over the past decades in dramatic settings, after school programs, book clubs and retirement communities. These people were all bright and curious and ready for fun, so it worked out well.
Now we are ready to tell that story to you, so please stop by when you have a chance.
The mission of The Theatre of Memory is to Educate, Entertain and Inspire. We provide a true muse-eum in the original sense of the word, wherein visitors become inspired by viewing and interacting with historical documents, ancient artifacts and geofacts, as well as the visual and performing arts, so as to see and value human culture, their world and their Universe anew.
Imagine a place where the past comes alive as you hold history in the palm of your hand. And imagine a place where the present is made vivid and scintillating by the immediacy of live performing arts.
Bill Hutchinson, Director of Theatre of Memory
Bill is a lifelong musician, a broadcaster and a seasoned performer. He is a collector and lecturer, focusing on moments and eons in the vast depths of time as well as the thrilling immensities of space. He always wanted to grow up to be a museum.