At AES, we offer online courseware opportunities for students from Kindergarten through Grade 12. Our comprehensive list of online courses allow our students to choose and design a program that is both flexible in delivery and supportive of their unique learning style.
Our students come from a wide range of experiences and we are happy to create a personalized learning environment for anyone, anywhere, in any situation! We support homeschooling families, elite athletes, gifted learners, families abroad for both work and travel, students with learning disabilities, injured or with an illness that prevents them from attending regular classes, and learners from local schools looking to complete academic requirements.
Our ongoing dedication and commitment of our dedicated and caring staff that sets our program apart from other programs of its kind. Even though we are called a "virtual school", our strong team of expert teachers and staff work with each student and their families to actively support them in developing a personalized educational plan and creating a learning environment that feels far from remote.
At AES, we specialize in ensuring our students feel connected to their school and their studies through the many forms of communication methods available. We pride ourselves in our approach to building strong interpersonal relationships with our learners, and our commitment to three key areas: Strong student support systems, program integrity and course quality.