The City of Gainesville is seeking nominations for the Michelle Park Family Recreation Scholarship. The purpose is to provide a scholarship for one year to one City of Gainesville low-to-moderate income family, to participate in nature, recreation and cultural activities. The scholarship enables a Gainesville family to take advantage of a year’s worth of events, programs, tours and more at no cost.
One scholarship valued at $1,500, which can be used to enjoy activities such as:
• After-school activities and day camps for school breaks and teacher holidays, for children age 6–12
• Access to the Wellness Center at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Multipurpose Center
• Tickets to cultural events
• An annual pass to Sweetwater Wetlands Park
• Adult and youth recreation and sports activities such as golf lessons, swimming lessons, and tennis lessons; free registration to participate in city-sponsored youth baseball, basketball, flag football, Pop Warner football or cheerleading.