We want to help children become well-rounded individuals who are independent thinkers, internally motivated, reflective, self-disciplined, and self-assured. They should enjoy the process of discovery and genuinely love learning. We want to develop peacemakers who respect themselves and others, who appreciate differences, who embrace collaboration and cooperation, and who want to help and care for living things. We want children to learn how to take responsibility for their actions and care for their world both locally and globally.
Our facility is a small schoolhouse with the capacity for 60 students. It rests on a surrounding 4 acres with gardens and natural playscapes.
General enrollment applications open in February.
Serving Preschool, Ages 3 & 4
Lower Elementary, Grades 1, 2 & 3.
Upper Elementary, Grades 4,5,& 6.
Interested in grades 7 -12th? We are happy to announce our new downtown campus and the Laniakea Montessori Secondary House (formerly the Santa Fe College Spring Arts building.)