The O2B Kids Difference- We Teach Kids to Think
Want to know a secret? Teaching children their colors, shapes, letters, letter sounds, numbers and how to count – that’s the easy stuff! It takes time and some repetition – but they’ll learn it all. They will even learn to read and write along the way. The real question is…will they learn how to think for themselves?
Together, we’ll learn our ABC’s, 123’s, colors and shapes. We’ll learn to take turns, follow directions and make friends. We’ll learn to listen and ask questions. But, perhaps most importantly, we take time out of each day to put your kids in charge of their world and we teach them how to THINK and MAKE DECISIONS!
Think about it. Every single day…for the rest of your child’s life…your child will make decisions. Simple ones now…complex ones later. It takes skill, it takes confidence and it takes PRACTICE to be good at it. And this practice can begin at birth! These skills are called Executive Functions – the ability to plan, problem solve and control impulses. Helping to build independent, confident citizens of our world is our great joy. We invite your family to join us!