Too old for camp but not quite ready for a summer job? Don't want to sit around all summer being bored staring at screens (or maybe you do but your parents wont stop bugging you to do something else? Ready to take on more responsibility and challenge, but also want to have a crazy awesome time! Like making weird stuff? Interested in becoming a counselor one day? Come join us this summer at Master Builder Camp's Teen LIT program. The LIT program focuses on leadership Skill-Building, Mentoring, and Community Building.
What does all that mean?!
It means while the rest of our summer camp is building a project for the weekly theme and end of week event, you are forming TEAM VILLAIN! Getting a behind the scenes look at how we create the elaborate stories and adventures that go on at camp and helping to build and create the interactions/events/battles needed for the story from the point of view of the Villains. You may play characters, construct costumes, build contraptions to battle against the camper teams, anything goes and you get to help design the ideas and make them happen.
There will also be leadership skills workshops and opportunities to assist with younger camper groups.
In addition to all that awesome stuff, we will also have the option to add our RPG CLUB to their weekly schedule. In past years we have run RPG Campaigns for our Teen LITS (like Dungeons and Dragons!). It is so awesome that we found the 45 min time frame we had for it each day was simply not enough, and so we are going all out this year! DND CLUB will run throughout the summer on select evenings, led by one of the greatest Game Masters of all time. With a fully immersive experience, our game players will get to experience adventures and battles like never before!