About Us
Fun4gatorkids.com is the ultimate resource for finding stuff to do with kids in the Gainesville, FL area. We have over 2500 listings and we update our directory each week! Our goal is to list EVERYTHING there is to do with kids around Gainesville!
If you know about a local business or program in Gainesville, FL that's not listed in our directory, add a business or program to our directory. If you know about a great activity or event in Gainesville, FL that's not listed on our calendar, add an event or activity to our calendar.
For information about paid advertising on Fun4GatorKids.com see our Advertising page for details.
Fun 4 Gator Kids is the founding member of the growing network of Fun 4 US Kids websites. To learn more about Fun 4 US Kids or to find more websites like Fun 4 Gator Kids in other areas, visit fun4uskids.com
Kathy Stewart, Owner

I started fun4gatorkids.com in 2009 when my kids were 4 and 6 years old because as a stay-at-home mom, I was desperate to find things to do with my kids out of the house. Any day spent out and about was better than a day spent at home! I was spending hours each week scouring the internet, newspaper and circulars for things to do with my kids, and getting frustrated at the lack of information, and at the number of web sites I had to visit before I found what I was looking for. I spoke with many other parents who expressed the same frustration.
I had 2 goals when developing this website:
- To create a FREE online resource for parents, teachers and care-givers to quickly find activities, programs, businesses, and places to visit with kids in the Gainesville area.
- To offer affordable, high value advertising options to local businesses, organizations and events wanting to promote to local families. fun4gatorkids.com listings are FREE! Advertising options start at $25 so that any business can afford to advertise with us.
Your feedback, comments and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact us!
Jala Harris, Content Manager

Hi, I’m Jala! I moved to Gainesville for college, met my husband here and now we have two boys and a crazy dog. I’m a graphic designer by trade and becoming content manager for Fun 4 Gator Kids seemed like the perfect fit. We love all the opportunities for family fun around Gainesville and I love finding all the events to share with our community!
Crystal Gronolstalski, Social Media & Giveaway Manager

My name is Crystal Gronostalski. I am a mother of two, a 6 month old and a 5 year old. Gainesville has been my home since 2007. When my son was born in 2018, Fun4GatorKids was my number one resource for playgroups and finding kid friendly things to do around town. As the Fun4GatorKids Social Media Manager, I am able to help others make the most of their time with their children!
Angela Adams, Marketing Coordinator

Hi, I'm Angie. Way back in 2009, I saw Kathy on the news promoting Fun 4 Gator Kids. She was so enthusiastic about all the things we needed in the community for the kids. Her ideas and website were so impressive. I was hooked and have been a super fan ever since! I would check the calendar, load up my kids. And head out for a day of family fun. I am currently the playgroup coordinator for Fun 4 Gator Kids. I plan a playgroup once a week and check out all the fun places in Gainesville. The best part about my job is getting to know other moms. The kids have fun playing together. And the moms get a chance to discuss kids and other everyday issues. In my spare time, I enjoy watching my kids play sports, decorating for events, and road trips with my husband.