
Kindred Homestead: Sunday Buttermilk Potluck

  • When: Sunday, March 10, 2024,  1:00 pm -  4:00 pm
  • Location: 5206 NW 156th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32653
  • Cost: Free

Come share food, fellowship, and the future with Magnus Dantzler and Elena Rosa of Kindred Homestead. We just moved in and have a blank slate for sustainable agriculture practices on our land.

Elena is a licensed homebirth midwife, a retired massage therapist, a folk herbalist, a firekeeper, and an initiate of the Pachakuti Munay-Ki lineage. Magnus is a Sustainable Agriculture Research Educator and and Earthskills Educator with First Nations ancestry. We are also both very well seasoned in the kitchen. Together we plan on teaching and hosting many workshops at our new homestead.

Every weekend, we are offering workshops on Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm, which include mushroom cultivation (seasonal), earthen oven building, food preparation, biochar production, treatment, and application, soil-building, blacksmithing, wood-carving and many others. We intend on making the Sunday Buttermilk Potluck a weekly tradition, so even if you can't make it, it's happening every Sunday at the same time and location. Feel free to send us a PM if you need a link to any event or would like to be kept informed of our workshops.

Above all else, we are looking forward to connecting, sharing ideas and dreams, cooking food on fire, and building a sustainable community with like-minded folks, so please do come out. This is a family event so bring a dish to share and leave the substances. We take food allergies and sensitivities seriously, so all food must be labeled with ingredients. There will also be a community blanket for trading and swapping. Feel free to reach out for more information or to coordinate with food available and needed.

Be Well, Friends,
Magnus & Elena

  • Website:
  • Contact Phone: (407) 920-0405
  • Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Category: Family Fun
