Meet trip leader Maggie Paxson at the parking area on the shoulders of NW 71st Street at this GPS pin location: 29°43'05.3"N 82°25'04.9"W. The trailhead is located on NW 69th Avenue in Gainesville, FL and can be accessed by foot.
Managed and conserved in 2002 by Alachua Conservation Trust, Blues Creek Ravine Preserve is located on 160 acres of well-managed upland deciduous hammock. Covering most of the Blues Creek drainage basin and floodplain, the preserve contains interesting geology formed by the creek and its multiple tributaries.
We will hike the Northern side of the Orange loop, then cross the ravine to hike the entirety of the blue loop for a total distance of approximately 1.5 miles. This location boasts 119 unique species records on eBird, and can be particularly productive during migration, when less common migrant warblers, thrushes, and grosbeaks are often reported.
The trail at this location can be uneven with roots crossing the path, and crossing the ravine will involve going down a steep (but very safe) stretch of trail and across a bridge. Wear comfortable hiking shoes and insect repellent, and please bring binoculars, water, and bug spray.
Difficulty: 2 due to uneven ground and distance
Non-Members Are Always Welcome.
Here are some items to consider carrying on any field trip: binoculars (a must), water, bug spray, sunscreen, hat, sturdy shoes, rain gear for sudden downpours, notebook, camera, contact information.