Volunteers are essential to all aspects of the Gardens’ operations. As a volunteer at the Garden, you will:
• Meet other volunteers and staff with similar interests
• Gain satisfaction from donating your time knowledge, and talents for the enrichment of your community
• Have an opportunity to have hands-on experience with various aspects of gardening
We are currently seeking volunteers for gardener assistants, special events aides, garden admission greeters, docents and garden shop assistants.
• If you have carpentry skills we have many small and large projects that are needed.
• We are looking for a graphic designer
• We need help as a garden greeter that could fill in open shifts. Shifts run from either 9 am - 1pm or 1pm to 5pm. Specifically we have an opening on Monday & Wednesday from 9am -1 pm and Friday from 1 pm - 5pm.
• We need gardening help in the Rose Garden, Herb Garden, Woodland Garden, Children's Garden, Herb Garden, Aroid Garden, Ginger Garden. If you can volunteer frequently, you can adopt the garden being the sole gardener maintaining that area!!!
• If you have a professional camera that takes nice photos, we are looking for someone who can take photos weekly to be used to promote the gardens. This will in turn build your photography portfolio. All photography submitted by our volunteer photographers would release their rights to the images.
• For large groups, we have several areas of the garden with invasive exotics that need to be removed, such as Ardisia, Air Potato and Clerodendrum bungii.