The Newberry Branch of the Alachua County Library District provides weekly, monthly, and special programming for children, teens, and families in the family-friendly meeting room space. Regular programming includes Storytime on the Green, Music and Movement, Newberry Needlecrafters, the Newberry Teen Book Club, and the Drawing Club, where you can hang out, draw, and chat. The branch also host a monthly art challenge and has hosted Goat Storytime with baby goats. The Teen Room provides a place where teens can use the computer or hang out and play chess, color a giant mandala, or get creative with the poetry wall. The children's area has puzzles and Duplo Legos, as well as AWE digital learning stations located at the tractor desk. It is a great place to bring children and train enthusiasts. There is almost always a train parked on the tracks across the street from the library. On a good day, you might be able to see grain from a train car or see the train in motion.