
Summer fun for kids ages 5-12, July 8th - August 2nd.

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HURRY! Space is VERY limited to ensure a joyful and personal experience. REGISTER NOW.

Camp Trilogy celebrates children and their big ideas.

With two sessions to choose from, our experienced teachers and fun-loving counselors offer a diverse schedule that includes both indoor and outdoor play, independant passion projects, and engaging group endeavors. From making movies, painting murals, and exciting field trips, to playing Capture the Flag and fun-filled water days with friends, our days will be full from the moment we begin at 8:30am to the moment we stop at 3:30pm. Camp Trilogy is all about saying "yes" to the activities kids have been dreaming of all year!


Session 1: July 8th-19th

Arts Extravaganza

Adventures in visual and performing arts. This two week experience provides kids with opportunities to grow their love of the arts. With everything from drawing, painting, and sculpture, to acting, theater games, and singing, children will choose their favorite activities to immerse themselves in throughout the day. This session concludes with a performance and art show for parents.

Session 2: July 22nd-August 2nd

Best Camp Ever

The Ultimate Summer Vacation Blast. Our final two week experience is all about saying "YES" to the activities kids have been dreaming of all year! Kids will enjoy water days, field trips, sports, arts & crafts, and more with weekly special events voted on and created by the kids.

Session 1
July 8th-19th
8:30am-3:30pm, M-F


In this experience, children enjoy two weeks of drawing, painting, acting, singing, and MORE.


Session 1+2
All 4 weeks


The complete Camp Trilogy experience. Four weeks of diverse experiences to learn, grow, and have FUN!


Session 2
July 22nd-August 2nd
8:30am-3:30pm, M-F


In this experience, children explore their big ideas with two weeks of the ultimate summer vacation fun.

  • Trilogy's environment encourages personal growth, which enabled me to become a young man capable of handling the adversities that come throughout life. I'm glad my parents found Trilogy when they did because it provided me with support when I needed it most.
    Andrew P.
    Systems Administrator - Gainesville, FL
  • Without a doubt the best educational experience I have ever had. Trilogy not only prepared me to excel in academics, but also in life. I am now a pilot with American Airlines. If I continue to live in the Gainesville area, my future kids will also attend Trilogy.
    John H.
    Commercial Pilot - Ocala, FL
  • Thanks to Trilogy, I felt, for the first time in an academic setting, that I could succeed. They made learning seem easy, and made me feel good about myself academically.  The work at your own pace system helped give me the confidence I needed to pursue a career involving higher level math.
    Courtney C.
    Engineering Intern - Gainesville, FL